Somerton Tanks Farm
Somerton Tanks Farm - Fostering Individual Farmer Innovation
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But now we need your support!

Now we need funding to expand and bring the benefits of urban agriculture to Philadelphia's neighborhoods. We need your financial support to continue operating our demonstration farm, train urban farmers and help Philadelphia's neighborhoods create farms in their communities. Please give whatever financial support you can -- large or small -- to help us grow a vanguard of urban farmers who will produce good food, transform our city food shed, and revitalize Philadelphia, neighborhood, by neighborhood.

By contributing today you become a friend of Somerton Tanks Farm and will receive regular updates on our progress, our farmers, the fruits and vegetables of our labors, special farm events and where and when you can sample and buy Somerton Tanks Farm produce -- fresh from the fields of Philadelphia!

Make a contribution today -- and help us lay the foundation for a new green industry in Philadelphia -- an industry that generates reliable jobs, healthy food, and attractive neighborhoods.

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Somerton Tanks Farm. Changing views. Changing practices. Changing minds. One farmer at a time.
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